Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Vintage Linens

I was fortunate enough to come across some great vintage linens over the weekend. I spent the evening spot treating and soaking them to bring them back to life. I had a heck of a time trying to get some ink the the resale shop was kind enough to put on some place mats I found. It must be permanent ink, because I just couldn't get them out. I will spend the evening listening to music and starching my new linens. Some of which will be posted on my etsy shop if I can manage to give some of it up.
There is the cutest hand appliqued and stitched bridge table cloth and drink napkins. I will snap some pictures once they are clean and pressed.


Monday, March 23, 2009

The Arrrr-gyle Project

I always do something handmade for my guy when his birthday, Christmas, and Valentines day come around. I came across this very inspired Arrrgyle Afghan.
She turned a graph from a knit sock pattern into pure awesome!

I really wanted to make this but I had never tried the afghan stitch before. I was assured that I should learn the stitch, that it would be easy. So after some online instructions it seemed simple enough. Then I remembered I would have to know how to change colors too. That took a little bit of time for since I wanted to make sure I could get a smooth color transition. I hooked away and decided I need a little more help...to YouTube I went. I was saved after watching a couple of videos and I felt confident enough to take on at least one panel of the Arrrgyle. I was highly motivated since I knew my guy would love it.
I managed to take some "in progress" pictures.

I was looking around for inspiration one day on the Internet.
I did 2 rows of single crochet in black as a foundation.

I tried to keep those yarn bobbins nice and neat, that was pretty easy when there were only 7. As you can see, it got kind of crazy, at one point, I have 13 bobbins. I really didn't want cross over yarns.

Almost done and I am really happy with the results. If any up you have ever worked on an Afghan before, you will know that they have a tendency to curl. I was not cleaver enough to add stitched to keep this from happening. So, most of the pictures show the panel pinned to my carpet.

Here is the completed Panel

I have included a picture of the back. I tucked my tails early on but tired of that quickly.

I was surprised to find the finished panel ended up smaller then I thought it would. It was 17"x12" give or take an inch. I would love to make this again and I am sure I will. Everybody I know wants one and I couldn't have don't it with out those 2 Very inspired lady's.

My sewing machine is on the fritz at the moment and I need it to finish his gift but as soon as I get that back up, I will post pics of the 100% compete project.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Taking Notes

I like to think of my self as a creative person. I admit, that some of the inspirations are random and not usually feasible due to time, money and/space issues. But, I try to take a note of my idea and stash it away, like a pot of gold, which no one else can see. Sometimes I will jot or doodle it down in a crochet diary that I have had for years, or in a "note" on my phone, or in a spiral I use at work, or a post it, napkin, random envelope in my purse. I tell myself all the time, "I resolve to keep my thoughts all in one place" and if you knew me, you would laugh. As a matter a’ fact, those that do know me do laugh. I have be caught saying that out loud before as I try to track down that stray random envelope that I know has this GREAT idea but I cant exactly remember what it was. le sigh. That’s my life and I am used to is. To have all my thoughts in one place would, in my opinion, make me not me. I like being frazzled and all over the place, it's those around me that I think get tired of it.

But, because of this habit of writing my great ideas down somewhere, I get the opportunity to "find" these great ideas. Some of which, were a random spur of inspiration while in the middle of something else, jotted down and immediately forgotten. I LOVE it when that happens, because if I write it down just right, or find a sketch of something I want to make, it completely motivates me to keep creating. Thus, this blog was born.

Here is a peak at the topic of my next blog.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Well this is awesome. I can blog from my phone. Yay for gadgets! Works great for me since I am never home. so i am sitting up at the shop with the boys. David is tattooing someone and Andy is in a shit mood. fighting with someone online. gay.

Number One Entry

Well, here I go. My first blogger. Never thought I would see the day, but life has changed and I feel that I have more to say. More to say then I would on MySpace.

Life has inspired me. I have found a good mix of people around me now. They inspire me and motivate me and get the creative juices flowing, so to speak.

I feel that there isnt anything out there that I can do, although, I am still trying to find that one thing that I am good at, other then being sarcastic. Thats a hard habit to break. It is ingrained. Pretty sure it came down though me mothers side of the family - quick witted and drunk. Yup, Irish. haha.

Well, thats me for now, I hope to share my crafting wonders with you soon enough. You can see some of my randomness over in the etsy community. Just look me up under HoboBethy.
